Outdoor eyesores: every garden and back yard has them. Utility boxes, air conditioning units, lawnmowers, garbage bins and more; these are essential items, but we’d prefer not to look at them while spending time on our hard-earned green grass amongst lovely flowerbeds. So what do you do? We’ve prepared a list of outdoor eyesore hiding ideas to get you started on the path to backyard beauty.
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25 Smart Outdoor Eyesore Hiding Ideas to Upgrade Your Outdoor Space
Garden Trading Post Box Clay
From simple DIY type projects to things requiring a bit more skill and effort, we think you’ll find something here to help you hide the ugly stuff so you can enjoy the fruits of your backyard garden and landscaping labor. We’ll show you a variety of ways you can pleasantly mask your outdoor eyesores with hiding ideas for every style and budget.
From a variety of lovely woods, to faux rocks and sturdy plastic, we’re sure you’ll find inspiration among these images to make your back yard all you’ve ever dreamed it can be. But don’t stop here; use these ideas and then take things further with landscaping.
Adding plants around these basic outdoor eyesore hiding ideas will further beautify your problem areas, and in a few seasons you’ll hardly remember those backyard blemishes.